
Report of final projet

Creative Multimedia is a combination of different content forms that are joined together in an up-normal and creative way (1).. To clear things up, we have divided it into four different categories which are lectures, library, students and synthesis. Lectures are very important methods in creative multimedia, especially students, to provide the best experience and knowledge in order for designers to give the best works ever. With lectures we get assignments and works to do. We also gets to communicate with others, lecturers and classmates, and we can exchange experiences and ideas from each others. The second category is library, which is considered as a supporter element and related to the first one. In libraries these days, you can easily find books that are related to multimedia or creativity. You can take examples and get inspirations from them. Those days some E-book can make the job done for your and it has made it easier to do your studies about Multimedia and benefit from them. Besides going to the lecturers and libraries, students are very important category in our creative multimedia’s mind map. Watching movies might seem only for fun to a lot of people, but not for creative multimedia students. They get to watch them in order to observe and learn how to make them or serve the Internet and do some research even social networking can help improving them such as exchanging photography and opinions. They also spend a lot of money, considering that they are mostly sponsored by their parents, for printing or buying stuff such as cameras or lenses in order for them to provide the best work in multimedia environments. Synthesis is the most related thing here to the creative part. It is a combination or composition of ideas to form a theory or system. Synthesis can be related to the rhythm of music and remixes as a part of the combination in instruments. Here in MMU, for example, all faculties need synthesis in student’s works. Whether you are making a piece of art, a short film or animation your are going to need the creative part in your design and to support that you must be as imaginative as possible. Use your mind to create something different and unique if you wish to be a great artist, a designer or a director. Thinking outside the box is your method here, as all our great role models are (4) .

Creative Imagination, this term holds a lot of different meanings . in Psychology, the power of reproducing images stored in the memory under the suggestion of associated images (reproductive imagination) or of recombining former experiences in the creation of new images directed at a specific goal or aiding in the solution of problems (creative imagination) (2). Simply, The crative imagination is the ability to think differently , to think in creative scales , to come up with ideas that no one might thought of it . What we have concentrated on our focus mind-map are the thigs that could be acheived by creative imagination in addition to the thing that helps people to have the ability to imagine in creative ways. We came up with 5 branches out of "creative imagination" . Two of them were the things that help people in the process of creative imagination which are dream and colors . The other three are the things that to be achieved by creative imagination which are "design", "story" and "3-dimesion & 2-dimension" . Dreams and creative imagination are a bit related together but you might ask how colors are related to creative imagination. Actually colors are the most basic thing that help to activate the thinking ptocess in genereal and creative imagination in particular and that is what we are going to explain it later . grapghic and film and all other productions field are required a high level of creative imagination in order to survive in public just like the big "bomb" AVATAR . Avatar shows that no matter how good the actors or talented , if the movie doesn't have the creative imagination slice in its story which gives a special taste to the movie (3) . Thats lead us to the story part which is one of the branches of creative imagination . We can say that the story without a creative imagination is no longer a real story . This is too clear to the readers because this imagination takes the reader away to different pkaces such as wonder land ! .

The idea, simply and without any complicated words , its representing how creative imagination affects the human brain . We will relate colors to humans' expression to creative imagination . Our focus is to show the magic of creative imagination among society , how an idea might change the whole society , how the creative imagination has relation with our state of mind and daily mood. Showing how each state mind or expressions "happy, sad , anger ,wonder" is resulted by new different ideas . Presenting how creative imagination helps FCM student to improve their ideas and point of view . our product will contain a 3D and 2D objects in addition to some photographs . About the colors , red color represents the anger expression which resulted by a some ideas coming out from the human brain . Yellow color represents the wonder face which resulted by some ideas that related to this state of mind or expression . Bright blue color represents the happy face , Black and gray color represent the sad face .

(1). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia
(2). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/creative+imagination
(3). http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/film-reviews/avatar-film-review-1004052868.story
(4). Dictionary version 2.0.3 for Mac

Done By:
Ayman Alamoody
Wang Zi
Bilal Badry

