GRaFFITI -strat with- CReATIVE
GRaFFITI -strat with- CReATIVE
Ya,it's like that ,in this world got one kind of people, they play with color,typo and creative ideas.They hold freedom in their heart,they break rules even to break lows ,they all have dream,very beautiful dream and they are all "artist".we called them "WRITER" and they play GRAFFITI all over the world.
Three years ago i become one of them,as a young people i dont want to loss my vigour of youth and I'd like to be a creative person that make my life more colourfull.
So this time I'll show you something different with your daily study,your can see how freedom they use the colors and how creative they design the graffiti.
Samethig basic that I let you know first:
Writer – Practitioner of the art of graffiti
Bomb – Prolific painting or marking with ink
Crew – Loosely organized group of writers, also known as a clique
Def – Really good (derived from "death")
Down – In part of the group or action
Kill – To hit or bomb excessively
King – The best of the most
Piece Book – A writer’s sketchbook
Tag – A writer’s signature with marker or spray paint
Toy – Inexperienced or incompetent
so that all for the first time, let's see some creative art works:
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